CHoRUS is built by the consortium for the community. No matter your skill level, there is always a way for you to contribute:
If you’ve found a bug you can help out by filing a bug report. Each package has an issue tracker where you can create a new issue. Try and be as specific as possible. What error message occurs? Can you provide a simple example to reproduce the problem? What versions of the various packages are you running?
If you’re a bit more experienced with CHoRUS and are looking to improve your open source development skills, the next step up is to contribute a pull request to a CHoRUS package.
An important part of validating the methods in the library is unit testing. A unit test is a small program that tests a specific function in the library. We can never have enough unit tests, and writing unit tests is an excellent way to learn how CHoRUS packages work under the hood. Make sure you read through the Develops section first!